Watercolor - Flowers

Watercolor - Flowers
This printable project teaches you the tips and techniques behind the vibrant Watercolor medium, perfect for artists of any age! Follow the steps below to guide you through and you will quickly be on your way to creating these Beautiful Flowers.

Tips & Tricks

Watercolor Paint Dries Lighter

With watercolor paint, a color will always appear more intense (vibrant and darker) when it is wet. As it begins to dry the color will lose its intensity.

Test a Color First

Watercolor paint dries very fast. Therefore, it's best to test a color on a scrap piece of paper.

Keep Water Clean

To prevent colors from getting muddy, it is important to wash off your brush when switching colors. Periodically replace the water in your cup to help keep your colors clean and bright.

Let's Get Started!


The key to a beautiful watercolor painting is layering. Start by putting down your lightest base colors. Use Yellow, Rose, Violet, and Light Green paints for the main areas of color.


Put a darker value on a lighter one, and then use water to blend them together. For example, begin to add Red to the edges and center of the right flower. Keep your painting wet, so the colors can blend more easily.


Add two coats of Rose into the left flower, and Yellow Orange into the right flower. A flower with two colors in it will look more dimensional than a flower consisting of just one color. Continue to darken your shadows with more paint as well.


Add lighter, watered-down colors over the areas where your darks blend into your lights. This will naturally blend all of your shades together. It will also make your midtones more vibrant.

STEP 5: Finalize Your Artwork

Add the darkest details and shades to your painting as it dries. A drier surface is less absorbant, and as a result, the newly applied colors will stay darker. You can add water to areas that need more blending. Use a clean, wet brush to remove paint and create subtle highlights on the edges of leaves and petals. Adittionally, paint in a subtle blue background to help your flowers stand out. Use very watered-down paint for this effect.